Printed on: December 19th, 2024 9:59 AM



Central Illinois Public Transit - Clay, Effingham, Fayette, Moultrie, Christian, Montgomery, and Shelby County

Street:1805 S Banker St
City:Effingham, IL 62401
Web Page:
Phone:1-855-755-2478 Dispatcher Office
Phone:(217) 342-2193 Administrative Office
Operating Agency:CEFS Economic Opportunity Corporation
Agency Type: Private, Non-Profit
Person In Charge: Susan Love - Program Director
Hours: M-F 6 am - 6 pm Effingham M - S 6 am - 8 pm Dispatch M-F 6 am - 8 pm and Saturday 7-5
Fees: In-County Transports- Cost per trip $3. Children 6-12 $2. Children 0-5 Ride is free with paying adult. Passes (in county/In service area and existing routes)- Monthly pass $35. Person with a disability- $15. discount books of 10 $20. Seniors- Ride at no charge in county limits. Donations are accepted. Agencies- Agencies are not eligible for discount tickets or passes. Special trips- out of service area/ non-existing routes- When available (check with dispatch to schedule out of service area special trips) per mile $1.
Eligibility: No restrictions
Area Served: Shelby, Clay, Effingham, Fayette, Moultrie, Christian, and Montgomery
Ages Served: All
Appt. Necessary: Yes
Handicapped accessible: Yes
About:Public transportation, door-to-door and lift equipped vehicles.
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